New commissioners aim to improve communication

David Scott and Jean TeareImage source, LDRS/EMMA DRAPER
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David Scott topped the poll, with Jean Teare securing the second available seat

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Two newly-elected members of a local authority in the south of the Isle of Man have said improving the board's communication with residents is a key priority.

David Scott came out top in Thursday's by-election for Port St Mary Commissioners with 251 votes, with Jean Teare taking up the other available seat with 224 votes.

The other candidate in the running, James Helps, received 152 votes.

Mr Scott said the turnout of 25% showed people were "interested in what happens in their village".

The board of the commissioners is made up of seven seats in total and the by election saw 382 of the 1,506 registered voters in the area take part.


Ms Teare, who was born on the island and has been a resident in the village for 24 years, said she was ready "to hit the ground running".

She said she was interested in exploring how 11 to 17-year-olds who lived in the area could be "thought of" and further support, increasing footfall for businesses and improving public transport links.

The retired civil servant said she was also keen to let people know "what's happening and what's not happening", which were "equally important".

"Views I've heard is that there's not enough communication and engagement", she said.

Echoing her comments, Mr Scott said he wanted the local authority to be "more visible" through social media, a potential newsletter, and "by simply talking to people about what decisions are being made".

A resident in the village for five years, after moving from Loughborough to be closer to family, he said topping the poll had showed him "you can still be recognised by the local community even if you haven't lived here for a significant length of time".

Both elected candidates also said they wanted to understand how the Pavillion at the village's golf course could be brought back into use "following a lot of concern" from voters.

Mr Scott and Ms Teare will serve as board members until April 2025.

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