Grant to help boost children's language and fitness skills

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Singing Jo & Co classImage source, Singing Jo & Co
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Singing Jo & Co has been awarded £97,314 over two years

An early learning group has been awarded more than £97,000 to help boost communication, language, and fitness in young children.

Singing Jo & Co holds classes for youngsters from babies to school age around the Isle of Man.

The sessions use singing, dancing, and rhyme to support children and families.

Founder Jo Jackson said the group took "immense pride in the fact that the majority of our young participants stay with us from birth to five-years-old".

The charity aims to use the funding to work with more families and employ an extra member of staff over a two-year period.

'Enhanced confidence'

More than 500 children, parents, grandparents and caregivers currently take part in the sessions each week.

Ms Jackson said: "Our ultimate goal is to inspire young children through music, creativity and learning.

"We take immense pride in the fact that the majority of our young participants stay with us from birth to five years old leaving with essential skills, newfound friendships, enhanced confidence, improved physical fitness, creativity, and a profound sense of happiness as they embark on their school journey."

The funding would allow the group to continue delivering the sessions "whilst providing essential support to families across the Isle of Man".

This grant has been awarded from the Manx Lottery Trust's 2023 Community Awards Thematic Fund.

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