Going underground

  • Cyhoeddwyd

Mae Ioan Lord, 20 oed, wedi bod yn astudio ac archwilio'r hen weithfeydd mwyn o amgylch Aberystwyth ers ei fod yn chwech oed.

Mae newydd gyhoeddi cyfrol unigryw: 'Rich Mountains of Lead: The Metal Mining Industry of Cwm Rheidol and Ystumtuen', cyfrol a ddechreuodd ei ysgrifennu pan oedd ond yn wyth oed.

Ioan Lord is a 20 year old Welsh history student at Bangor University, but he's already published his first book.

Despite his tender years, Ioan has seen more of Wales than most...Underground in various slate caverns and lead and copper mines.

Mae Ioan yn astudio Hanes Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Bangor, a mae hefyd yn gweithio fel Giard a Thaniwr ar Reilffordd Cwm Rheidol.

His book, 'Rich Mountains of Lead: The Metal Mining Industry of Cwm Rheidol and Ystumtuen', charts the history and cultural legacy of the industry in his local area.

It's a subject of which he's had a keen interest since he was six, and a book he has been writing since he was eight!

"Chwarel lechi ger Blaenau Ffestiniog. Tua hanner milltir o dan ddaear, mae'r hen inclen gyda'r platfform codi a'r peirianwaith weindio dal yna!

"Fedrwch chi weld y byrddau troi ar gyfer y wageni llechi dal ar y platfform codi ar waelod y llun."

"A slate quarry near Blaenau Ffestiniog. About half a mile underground you come across the old incline with the lifting platform and winding gear still there.

If you look at the bottom of the picture, you'll see the old turning tables for the slate waggons still on the lifting platform."

Gofal pia hi!

Watch your step!

"Dyma hen olwyn ddŵr a gafodd ei gosod mewn hen gloddfa gopr yng Nghanolbarth Cymru yn yr 1860au.

"Fel 'da chi'n gweld mae dal yna ac yn eithaf cyfan!"

"This is an underground waterwheel installed in a mid Wales copper mine in the 1860s.

"The mine has been abandoned since the 1880s, and this wheel is a unique survivor, completely intact, buried deep underground in the abandoned mine!"

"Dyma fi ym mherfeddion Gwaith Dyffryn Castell, Ponterwyd, Ceredigion."

"This is me in the bowels of the Dyffryn Castell Works in Ponterwyd, Ceredigion."

"Lawr yn nyfnderoedd chwarel lechi Geuwern, Corris."

"In the depths of Geuwern slate quarry, Corris."

"Mae taith gerdded yn troi mewn i daith danddaearol fel arfer!

"Coed Gwydyr ger Llanrwst... roedd angen i fi stopio a throi nôl yn y pen draw gan oedd o'n mynd mor bell... roedd peiriannau, winches, trycs a phob dim dal mewn 'na!"

"As usual a walking tour turns into an underground trek!

"Coed Gwydr, near Llanrwst...In the end,I had to stop and turn back because I'd gone so far...The machines, winches and trucks were all still there!"

Dyma ddau han hollol wahanol o fywyd Ioan... dan ddaear yn dringo a chloddio drwy'r duwch....

But when Ioan isn't down a deep, dark, damp hole in the ground...

...ac yn gweithio fel giard ar Reilffordd Cwm Rheidol.

...He relaxes by working as a guard on Cwm Rheidol narrow gauge railway.

Mwy o luniau ar Cymru Fyw // Also on Cymru Fyw: