An ending - and a beginning

You might have guessed by now the gig is over, and I've left the house - sadly, my five year stint as the BBC's North America editor has come to an end so I leave the job, the blog and you in the extremely capably hands of my friend and colleague Jon Sopel.

But you can't get rid of me that easily. I've now returned to London to present The World This Weekend" on BBC Radio Four on Sunday lunchtimes and The World At One on Fridays, come high day and holiday.

I am also starting a new blog - as part of BBC News Online's new Analysis section.

The idea is that I draw on my experience of covering British politics (for longer than I care to mention), my spell as the BBC's first Europe editor my the time spent in the US, not to mention my fascination with China, the so-called Brics and the Mints nations to bring together some of the big themes and ideas behind the headlines. Connect the dots, peer behind the obvious. Even have a bit of fun. That's the plan any way.

I am a great believer in what we now call "transparency" - in other words being frank and blunt (Frank Blunt's World - now there's a title). This is a work in progress for me, and the BBC. It might veer off in unexpected directions, take wrong turnings, or morph into something unexpected. I hope it will be exciting and stimulating - please keep reading.