In pictures: Armed Forces Day celebrations in NI

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, Irish Guards formation at Drumhead Service at Armed Forces Day 2024 Jordanstown Loughshore Park, Some 600 military personnel took part in a parade to mark Armed Forces Day in Northern Ireland
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More than 600 military personnel took part in Northern Ireland's Armed Forces Day in Newtownabbey on Saturday.

Bands from the Royal Marines and Royal Irish Regiment took part in a drumhead service at Whiteabbey War Memorial before parading to Jordanstown Loughshore Park.

The crowds were also entertained by an aerobatic display by the Red Arrows, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary year.

It was also their first nine-aircraft show in three years.

The Red Arrows were established in 1964 and have completed almost 5,000 displays in 57 countries.