Deal close on running of Bristol City Council

Inside the Council chamber at City Hall in Bristol, with people sat on the benches
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Bristol will move to a committee system for the first time in over two decades

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Talks over filling the new leadership roles at Bristol City Council under its new committee system are close to being finalised.

The negotiations have been led by the Green Party, who won 34 out of 70 councillor seats following elections earlier this month.

The BBC understands the Greens will chair six of the eight new policy committees, with the other two being chaired by the Liberal Democrats, who won eight seats.

The Labour party, who are the second-largest group with 21 Councillors, announced last week they would not be chairing any of the new policy committees.

'Like juggling fish'

Bristol City Council will be run under a committee system, with eight new policy committees replacing the elected mayor and cabinet, after the public voted to do away with the role of elected mayor in a referendum.

However following the elections earlier this month - where no party gained an overall majority - talks have been ongoing as to who will fill the new committee chair roles.

The committee chairs will set the policy agendas and represent the council in the media, and the Green Party were hoping to share them proportionately with the other parties.

However both Labour and The Conservatives have turned down the chair roles.

One senior councillor described the negotiations to the BBC as like "juggling fish."

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Councillor Emma Edwards (left) The Bristol Green Party's group leader, has led the negotiations

Talks appeared to have hit a stumbling block last week, when the Greens accused Labour of a "dereliction of their responsibility to the city," for not attending scheduled meetings.

Group leader Emma Edwards said, "By starting these discussions, we are trying to work in a collaborative way that the previous Labour mayor never did."

However speaking to BBC Bristol, Labour Group leader Tom Renhard said his party were now in opposition in the new set-up.

"We respect the fact the Greens are the largest party, our focus will be on holding to account and improving things for the best of the city," he said.

His Labour group are still hopeful of chairing some of the so-called 'regulatory committees', which pre-date the new committee system and decide on areas such as planning and licencing.

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