Bar loses licence over 'serious' crime reports

Bar 42 exterior, in Broadway, Peterborough. A red-brick and partially glass-fronted building with an outdoor space covered by black marquees. Image source, Google
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Police says three "serious" crimes were recorded at the bar

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A city centre bar has lost its premises licence after police called for action when three “serious” crimes were recorded to have taken place at the venue.

Peterborough City Council held a licencing committee meeting on Tuesday in which the licence for Bar 42 on Broadway, Peterborough, was revoked.

Last month, the authority temporarily suspended the bar's licence after reports of a number of violent incidents at the venue, including a serious sexual assault last November and two further assaults this year.

Bar 42 has been contacted by the BBC for a comment.


The meeting came after Sam Tucker, the chief officer of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, applied for an expedited review of the bar's premises licence.

In a letter to the licensing committee meeting, the police listed three “serious” crimes that took place at the bar. These included the rape of a 17-year-old female on 5 November, a report of a fight at the venue on 11 July and a case of grievous bodily harm following a fight on 20 July, which left a man with a brain bleed and fractures.

Investigating officers reported that potential witnesses were forcefully ejected from the premises and suspects were able to leave the location unchallenged.

In a letter, Supt Ben Martin, said: “Police are concerned that the recent crimes are of such severity and violence, including two that have occurred on the premises within 10 days of each other.

“The investigations indicate inadequate management of the premises, including failing to apprehend offenders or preserve the scene."

When the licence was temporarily suspended last month, Yasir Ali, the director of Bar 42, told the BBC he was “saddened at the decision” but “respect the paths that have to be followed”.

“We hope we can work with the relevant bodies to make Bar 42 a safe place for our customers to enjoy once again," he added.

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