Man who raped sleeping women jailed for 14 years

High Court in EdinburghImage source, Getty Images
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A sex attacker who raped three women while they slept has been jailed for 14 years.

Stuart McInnes subjected two vulnerable victims to repeated sexual assaults when they were incapable of giving consent.

He also raped a third woman on a single occasion when she was asleep and under the influence of valium.

The judge ordered that McInnes, formerly of Clydebank, be supervised for a further five years after his release.

McInnes, 57, was convicted of five offences carried out between January 2006 and June 2020 at five addresses in the West Dunbartonshire town.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard that his victims were incapable of giving consent because they were asleep and/or under the influence of drink or drugs.

Judge Lord Armstrong told McInnes: "The crimes of which you have been convicted are disturbing and grave."

A victim impact statement from one of the women revealed the devastating and long-term consequences for her following the abuse, the judge said.

The crimes were so serious and carried out over such a long period of time that there was no appropriate alternative to a custodial sentence, he added.

Extended sentence

Lord Armstrong ordered that McInnes, who has never previously served a jail term, should be kept under supervision and monitored for a further five years when he is released into the community in order to protect the public.

During that time he will be on licence and if he breaches its conditions he can be returned to prison.

McInnes repeatedly raped the first woman and often attacked her when she was asleep or intoxicated with alcohol and/or prescribed medication.

A second woman was subjected to repeated rapes while she was sleeping or unconscious and under the influence of drugs.

The third woman was intoxicated with valium and asleep or unconscious when she had her underwear removed and was raped at a flat in Clydebank.

A background report prepared on McInnes assessed him as posing a medium risk of sexual reoffending.

Defence counsel Edward Targowski KC said: "He has told the social worker he has no recollection of the offences and clearly that is as a result of consuming drugs and alcohol on a regular basis."

He added that McInnes had shown remorse and said he was sorry for his actions.

McInnes was placed on the sex offenders' register for an indefinite period.

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