Galloway village housing refusal overturned

Leswalt ChurchImage source, Stanley Howe
Image caption,

The council had concerns about the impact of the development on the nearby church

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Plans for a housing development in a small south-west Scotland village have been approved on appeal.

Dumfries and Galloway Council rejected the 56-home project in Leswalt due to concerns it would be out of keeping with the area, put schools under pressure and affect a nearby church.

Nearly 100 objections from local residents were also received opposing the scheme.

However, a Scottish government reporter has now ruled the Wheatley Homes affordable housing project can proceed.


The local authority's planning committee voted by eight to six with one abstention to reject the project in December last year.

It had been recommended to approve the scheme but - following 98 representations against it - decided to turn it down.

Wheatley Homes appealed against that decision and took the case to the Scottish government.

A reporter has now ruled it can proceed having found there were "no material considerations" to justify refusal.

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