Watch: Vehicle fire spreads to home

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About a dozen firefighters were called to the blaze on Haydock Road in Bicester

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A 51-year-old man has been taken to hospital with minor burns after a vehicle fire spread into a house.

About a dozen firefighters were called to the blaze on Haydock Road, Bicester, just after 10:30 BST.

Richard Woodward, station manager at Bicester fire station, said the fire spread from two cars into the property causing "a severe level of smoke damage".

The injured man was also treated for smoke inhalation.

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Firefighters were called to Haydock Road and extinguished the blaze

Nearby residents said they could see smoke billowing from the house and rang the emergency services.

One said: "The road is full of young families so everyone was a bit shocked and panicked.

"You're just a bit helpless until the fire brigade arrive."

Mr Woodward said there was also some internal fire damage to the property, which reached as far as the first floor.

"Investigations are ongoing into the exact nature and cause of the fire," he added.

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