Online forum helps carers and gives them a voice

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Listen on Sounds: Hear what inspired Joe Ndilla to create the dedicated platform

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An ex-carer has developed a UK online forum to help his former colleagues share stories and seek support.

Joe Ndilla understands the stresses and strains of the job first hand and says he was shocked he could not find a dedicated digital platform for caregivers to connect.

A study by the Universities of Sheffield and Birmingham suggests two-thirds of UK adults can expect to become an unpaid carer during their lifetimes.

"We Talk Care" has been running since December and Mr Ndilla hopes to launch a mobile app version next month.

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Mr Ndilla’s website has more than 800 subscribers and traffic averages1,200 page views per day

He spent more than 10 years in the healthcare sector and initially intended to create the "TripAdvisor of care homes".

“The public never gets to see what really happens behind closed doors - that closed nature was a little bit disturbing,” he said.

However, he recognised there was a greater need to help connect and support the carers themselves.

“For me, my main concern has always been around the loneliness and isolation caring can actually bring.”

Carers UK (CUK) reports that more than a quarter of carers (29%) often or always feel lonely.

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Samantha Ndilla visits between 10-12 clients each day between Newcastle-under-Lyme and Cheadle

Mr Ndilla’s wife Samantha is a professional carer and is pleased her husband's forum welcomes both paid and unpaid caregivers.

Another CUK study found that one in seven people in UK workplaces are juggling work with caring for a relative.

As well as providing support, the forum also aims to communally celebrate carers' achievements, which is bringing a smile to the face of her clients, says Mrs Ndilla.

“Even just helping them to walk - I think it’s just the kindness of us carers that can do stuff like that for them,” she added.

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