PC showed female colleague naked video of himself

A stock image of a police officer in uniform, including a helmet, photographed from behindImage source, Getty Images
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A former police officer showed the "highly offensive" video to a colleague at work

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A former police officer has been found guilty of gross misconduct after showing a female colleague a video of himself in the shower.

Former Gloucestershire Police PC, Edward Lawson, showed her the explicit footage on 30 June 2023, while on duty, leaving her feeling "extremely uncomfortable".

Assistant chief constable Richard Saunders, who conducted the hearing, said Mr Lawson would have been dismissed if he had not already resigned.

"PC Lawson abused his friendship with the female officer. He disrespected her and was discourteous in a serious manner within a sexual context," ACC Saunders said.

In a statement, Mr Lawson's colleague said she was "good friends" with him.

They were in the same student cohort and were colleagues attending the Sabrina Centre in Berkeley.

On the morning of 30 June, he showed her the video, which displayed his fully naked body.

She then questioned him about why he would show her the footage, and he "just laughed it off".

No self-control

The officer said Mr Lawson's actions had caused her to feel "extremely uncomfortable" and it had been on her mind ever since.

Mr Lawson admitted showing the video of himself in the shower, but claimed it was to "show off his gym physique".

The misconduct hearing found the former PC breached the force's professional standards of respect and courtesy.

"He did not act with self-control, he did not treat a colleague with respect or courtesy. He displayed no consideration for her feelings," said ACC Saunders.

"The public would be rightly shocked by this officer’s actions. I assess his actions to be at the level of gross misconduct."

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