Morrisons warehouse strikes end after deal agreed

Stock image of Morrisons supermarketImage source, PA
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Planned industrial action at Morrisons warehouses has been called off

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All industrial action at Morrisons warehouses has been called off after workers accepted a new deal from the retailer.

Hundreds of warehouse and logistics staff across Cheshire and Yorkshire walked out last month in a dispute over pay, pensions and working conditions.

Further walk-outs planned for June were suspended after an improved pay offer from the Bradford-headquartered supermarket chain.

Unite called the development "an important workplace victory" while Morrisons previously said it was "pleased to have found a way forward".

According to the union, workers took strike action over proposed changes to their pension contributions which would have left them "hundreds of pounds a year worse off".

The union said workers were being forced to increase their pension contributions, while the supermarket reduced its own.

Additional issues surrounding pay and conditions had also been the subject of the dispute.

On Monday, Unite said that, following a ballot on the new offer, workers had accepted the new terms and conditions, which would see them contribute the same amount as presently towards their pensions.

The supermarket also agreed to apply a 9% increase to all rates of pay from 1 July and introduce a new service award scheme which would pay up to £350 for long-service milestones.

So-called "pick rates", which dictate the speed items must be packed from shelves, are also to be reviewed, Unite said.

The union's national officer, Adrian Jones, said: "Our members took to the picket line and were prepared to disrupt supplies to Morrisons’ stores to make their anger felt.

"They stood strong and have won an important workplace victory including improved pay and conditions as well as protecting their pension contributions."

The BBC has approached Morrisons for further comment.

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