Officer formed inappropriate attachment to victim

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The police officer pressured a domestic abuse victim to praise his performance in an email to his line manager

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The actions of a former police officer amounted to gross misconduct when he formed an "inappropriate" emotional attachment to a domestic abuse victim while in post, a hearing has ruled.

The misconduct proceedings found the former Warwickshire Police officer had persistently messaged the woman, asking her to meet him, despite her indicating she did not wish to do so.

He also sent her an "inappropriate text message".

Furthermore, he pressured the woman to send an email of support to his line manager praising his performance and handling of her case, the contents of which were drafted by the officer.

The parties' anonymity was preserved by the hearing of 26 March in which the officer was found to have additionally discussed details of the investigation in the company of his partner, and to have contacted the woman twice - despite his awareness of being under investigation.

The chair of the hearing found the officer fell short of the standards of professional behaviour for integrity; authority, respect and courtesy; confidentiality; and conduct.

Had he still been a serving officer, he would have been dismissed without notice, the proceedings concluded. He has been placed on the barred list held by the College of Policing.

Det Supt Paul Thompson of professional standards said: “The former officer fell a long way short of the standards we expect in our organisation.

"We treat any and all cases of professional misconduct seriously, particularly as the people who come into contact with us are often vulnerable members of the community in need of support and do not deserve to be let down and abused by their police force.”

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