Gloucester Cathedral to host general election debate

Gloucester CathedralImage source, Gloucester Cathedral
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Local parties and candidates have been invited to take part in a debate at Gloucester Cathedral ahead of the general election on 4 July

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A cathedral will play host to a debate between candidates ahead of the upcoming general election.

Open to the public, all local parties and independent candidates have been invited to participate in the event on 24 June at the Chapter House in Gloucester Cathedral.

The hustings will allow members of the public to put questions to the candidates. although these must be submitted to the cathedral by 18:45 BST on the same day.

The Dean of Gloucester, Very Reverend Andrew Zihni said the cathedral was an “important space for public debate".

'Lively and respectful debate'

He said: “We encourage people from all sections of the community to attend and to participate in this event, which will be a wonderful opportunity to hear diverse perspectives and engage with the issues that matter most to the community."

“We look forward to a lively and respectful debate," he added.

While all are encouraged to attend, seating for the event will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The hustings will be co-chaired by the Very Reverend Andrew Zihni and Reverend Canon Nikki Arthy, the City Rector.

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