Boy's thanks amid charity challenge in dad's memory

Sam is pictured with grandmother Barbara and mum Nicola
Image caption,

Sam, pictured with grandmother Barbara and mum Nicola, is raising money in memory of his father after he died from cancer

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A Nottinghamshire boy who has raised thousands of pounds in memory of his dad has thanked his "amazing" supporters.

Sam, 11, set himself the target of raising £11,000 for 11 charities in 11 months.

The challenge to raise the money, in memory of dad Tom, who died from kidney cancer three years ago aged 41, started in September.

Sam, of Sutton-in-Ashfield, is now closing in on £10,000 in donations.

"We've had people really helping through all of it and giving us donations," he said.

"It's amazing how much people help us out."

Among the charities Sam has raised money for are Cancer Research, Macmillan Cancer Support and the children's ward at King's Mill Hospital in Sutton.

The money has come in through running sweet stalls and hosting events such as raffles, with friends and well-wishers donating prizes.

Mum Nicola said the fundraising efforts of her son were a great help to her family in a difficult time.

She said: "After what Sam and his brother have had to deal with, I'm just so proud.

"They're so resilient, and sometimes they keep me going."

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