In pictures: Black Sabbath ballet rocks Birmingham

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Black Sabbath - The Ballet is the second Birmingham-focussed commission from Birmingham Royal Ballet director Carlos Acosta.

At a glance

  • Black Sabbath - The Ballet has opened at Birmingham Hippodrome

  • All tickets have sold for the show which continues in Plymouth and London next month

  • The ballet features eight songs by the Birmingham heavy metal giants

  • Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi appeared onstage on the opening night

  • Published

A ballet built around the music of Birmingham heavy metal superstars Black Sabbath is attracting new audiences, according to producers.

Birmingham Royal Ballet says more than 60% of tickets in Birmingham for Black Sabbath - The Ballet have been sold to people who have never attended a ballet before.

The show runs until Saturday 30 September at Birmingham Hippodrome and is sold out.

The opening night saw Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi joined by singer Ozzy Osbourne's wife Sharon, fellow band member Geezer Butler and Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant.

After its Birmingham run, the show will move to Plymouth Theatre Royal from 12-14 October and London’s Sadler’s Wells from 18-21 October.

Image source, Johan Persson
Image caption,

Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi made a guest appearance on opening night