Lib Dems expel councillor for backing Green Party

David Beavan, who has grey hair and a beard and is wearing a collarless shirt, smiles as he stands in front of a building
Image caption,

The Liberal Democrats say David Beavan's membership was "revoked" because he broke party rules

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A councillor expelled from the Liberal Democrats after backing a candidate from another party has described the decision as "over the top".

David Beavan - deputy leader of East Suffolk Council and a Lib Dem for 55 years - had his membership "revoked" after he used social media to support the Green Party candidate standing in Waveney Valley.

Mr Beavan told BBC Radio Suffolk he was "surprised" at his expulsion because Waveney Valley, a new constituency that straddles the border between Norfolk and Suffolk, was "not a target seat for Lib Dems or Labour".

A Lib Dems spokesperson said showing support for another political party against one of its candidates was against party rules.

'A bit sad'

"It's a bit sad after all those years working for the party, but it's a little bit of relief that I'm free to say exactly what I think," said Mr Beavan, who will now act as an independent councillor.

"I thought there might be a little bit of kick back, but I was surprised that I was expelled.

"I think that's over the top really," he said.

Mr Beavan said he believed it was more important to back the person rather than the party.

The Green Party candidate in Waveney Valley is Adrian Ramsay, the co-leader. He said he was grateful for Mr Beavan's support.

Membership revoked

A spokesperson for the Lib Dems said party rules - agreed by every member when they join - were clear.

"Showing support for another political party, against a Liberal Democrat candidate, is incompatible with membership of the Liberal Democrats," they said.

"Cllr Beavan chose to promote his support for another party's candidate through paid advertisements on social media and as a result an independent panel has revoked his membership of the Liberal Democrats."

The candidates standing in the constituency are:

  • Scott Huggins, Reform UK

  • Gurpreet Padda, Labour

  • Adrian Ramsay, Greeens

  • Richard Rout, Conservatives

  • Maya Severyn, Social Democratic Party

  • John Shreeve, Liberal Democrats

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