In pictures: The Urdd Eisteddfod

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 16, Annie, Seren and Phoebe with Urdd 2024 sign, Annie and Seren, both 11, and Phoebe, eight, enjoy an early chocolate treat as they explore the Maes
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It's been a very wet year so far in Wales so it is probably unsurprising that this week's Urdd Eisteddfod was no different.

The Welsh-language youth arts festival, this year held in Meifod, Powys, has seen sunshine and showers, but the soggy ground underfoot hasn't dampened the atmosphere.

Families from across the country have descended on the site to perform, spectate, eat and enjoy sharing the Welsh language with more than 400 competitions taking place and a record-breaking 100,454 people registering to take part.

The Urdd's director of arts, Llio Maddocks, said it was "great to see so much enthusiasm".