Kate's cancer recovery and winter fuel 'rebel MPs'

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Image source, Will Warr/Kensington Palace

The Princess of Wales features on almost all of the front pages, alongside her husband and children.

The Daily Mail uses her phrase "out of darkness, can come light" as its main headline, external, and describes the video announcing the end of her chemotherapy as "deeply personal".

The Times calls it "slick" and "one for the Instagram generation", external - but it concludes there is "nothing confected" about the emotion. "Kate", it says, "is at her most private and most genuine."

The Sun describes the film as "the most intimate look, external at Royal life ever".

The other main issue for the papers is the looming Commons vote on winter fuel payments.

The Guardian says the prime minister is "defiant", external on the issue and that the chancellor "faced down" would-be rebels when she addressed them last night.

Rachel Reeves has written an article for the Daily Telegraph, external in which she says pensioners are on course for a £1,700 boost by the time of the next election. She says she has refused to "duck difficult decisions".

The Times still predicts a revolt by "dozens" of Labour MPs., external It quotes one cabinet minister saying the row is already a “massive issue” on the doorstep, and that the government is “at risk of ignoring the danger”.

The Daily Telegraph says the victims' commissioner for London is warning that some people are not being told their attackers are being freed early, external from jail, as part of the scheme to tackle overcrowding. In an article for the paper, Claire Waxman says it could be a "horrible shock" for victims.

The Daily Express quotes experts, external who say that criminals who are let out will probably reoffend within days.

An editorial in the Daily Mail warns, external freeing prisoners early poses an unacceptable risk to the public. It says Sir Keir Starmer portrays himself as "a one-man crime-fighting machine", because of his background as a prosecutor - but that this move suggests "the pendulum has swung too far in favour of the criminals, and away from the victims".

The evidence heard yesterday at the Covid Inquiry offers a reminder of NHS workers’ incredible dedication during the pandemic, according to the Daily Mirror. , externalThe latest phase of the hearings focuses on the impact on the health service - as well as questions about how it coped. The paper argues the commitment of nurses and doctors is too often taken for granted. "If we value our NHS," says its editorial, "we should also value the heroes who work in it."

The Guardian is one of several papers to report on a rise in sales of "retro" crisps. , external"Forget black truffle or sea salt", it says - Frazzles and Nik Naks are having a revival. Sales of bacon Frazzles are up 48% since last year, while Skips are up by 47%.

The Daily Telegraph says social media videos appear to have driven the surge, external in interest, as "taste tests" earn hundreds of thousands of views.

The Daily Star seeks out a pun for its report on the trend., external "Retro crisps are making a triumphant comeback" it says, "and the firms are making a packet!".

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