Two year wait for ‘vehicle-wrecking’ potholes to be fixed

Potholes on Old Neighbourhood Road in ChalfordImage source, Tricia Watson
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Potholes in Chalford have been branded an 'accident waiting to happen'

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Residents of a Cotswold village will have to wait two more years for "vehicle-wrecking" potholes on a busy road to be fixed.

The state of Old Neighbourhood Road in Chalford was called an "accident waiting to happen" at a recent council meeting.

Gloucestershire County Council said resurfacing work is currently scheduled for the 2026/27 period but there are concerns that’s a long time to wait.

A Highways cabinet member says the road has deteriorated but still “has residual service life remaining.”

Parish, district and county councillors say they have been working with residents for months to make sure Gloucestershire Highways is made aware of the problem, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

District councillor for Chalford Tricia Watson said it is “beyond a joke” how some potholes are only part filled while others are ignored.

“Meanwhile, county’s continued refusal to restrict unsuitable vehicles from using this road continues to erode the edge and escalate the demise of the totally past its sell by date surface,” she said.

“A serious accident is waiting to happen.”

Image source, Tricia Watson
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District councillor for Chalford Tricia Watson says she's concerned

County councillor Chloe Turner said that she is pleased it has been scheduled but is concerned that 2026 is a long time to wait.

“That’s a long way off for residents whose cars are being damaged and who are put in danger by erratic driving on the part of those trying to avoid the hazards,” she said.

Chalford resident Tony Leach added: “The pothole fills are such poor quality they simply don’t last.

“It can’t be a good use of funds sending the crews back time and time again to the same area.

“A new approach is needed where we invest in decent quality repairs, across the whole damaged area, to stop this ineffective short term bodge fixing."

Highways Cabinet Member Dom Morris said more than 80,000 potholes were filled in the county last year.

He said Old Neighbourhood was assessed for surface dressing last year but it was found to have deteriorated.

“It is currently scheduled for 2026/27 resurfacing programme.

“Old Neighbourhood was assessed for Surface Dressing last financial year, however it was found to have deteriorated.

"Whilst it is no longer suitable for a surface treatment, it does still have residual service life remaining.”

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