Charge over alleged inmate and officer sex video

The main entrance to HMP Wandsworth, a Victorian stone building with a large archway entrance with a wooden door and latticed section above. Either side of the door are three arched windows. A police van is parked to the left of the building.Image source, PA Media
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Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30, from Fulham, has been charged with misconduct in public office

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A woman has been charged over a social media video allegedly showing a member of prison staff having sex with an inmate in a jail cell.

The Metropolitan Police said Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30, from Fulham in west London, was charged on Saturday with misconduct in public office.

The Met added it began its investigation on Friday "after officers were made aware of a video allegedly filmed inside HMP Wandsworth".

Ms De Sousa Abreu is due to appear in custody at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

In May, an "urgent notification" about conditions at HMP Wandsworth was issued by chief inspector of prisons Charlie Taylor.

It came after inspectors found Wandsworth was stricken with severe overcrowding, vermin and rising violence among inmates.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons declined to comment due to the pre-election period.

Ministry of Justice figures from June 2023, quoted by the House of Commons Library, showed HMP Wandsworth was operating at 163% of Certified Normal Accommodation, external - the standard that the Prison Service aspires to provide all prisoners.

There are more than 1,500 inmates at the jail in south-west London, which was built in 1851.

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