Nearly 100 bad drivers caught in police crackdown

Police officer leaning against police carImage source, West Yorkshire Police
Image caption,

Offences included speeding, using a phone and not wearing a seatbelt

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Almost 100 drivers have been prosecuted for motoring offences in a month-long crackdown on West Yorkshire's roads.

Operation Trimburg targeted illegal driving in Spen, Dewsbury, Mirfield and Batley during May.

West Yorkshire Police took action against 96 drivers for offences including speeding, using a phone at the wheel, not wearing a seatbelt and driving without due care.

Ch Insp Rebecca Calpin urged anyone concerned about road issues in their community to contact the force.

She said: “Operation Trimburg continues in our communities in North Kirklees and as we are seeing, continues to produce results week in and week out.

“I want to thank councillors in North Kirklees for their continued support for these additional patrols.

“They continue to be co-ordinated by our neighbourhood policing teams and colleagues from the force’s Roads Policing Unit and are being based around direct feedback from residents about offences and locations of concern.”

A suspected stolen car was seized and the driver arrested, while seven cars were also taken from the roads for other offences, police added.

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