Plans for 173 new homes and community hub submitted

Artist's impression of plansImage source, Quattro Design Architects
Image caption,

The plans include 173 new homes, including four new apartment blocks and 80 houses

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Plans for 173 new homes, shops, a community space and sports area have been submitted.

Housing association GCH said the plans for the regeneration of Podsmead in Gloucester had been drawn up following several years of consultation and planning.

The homes will be made up in four new apartment blocks and 80 houses. The plans also include an improved road layout with cycle routes.

Gloucester City Council will now hold its own period of consultation and its decision is anticipated by the end of 2024. If plans are approved, work could begin in March 2025.

Those behind the plans said they hope they will "create a new sense of neighbourhood" in the area.

GCH executive director Michael Hill added: "Podsmead is a special community where GCH has deep roots.

"The improvements in shopping and leisure, the 173 new homes together with our investment in our existing homes will all provide an environment where everyone can thrive.

“All new properties will use sustainable energy sources and achieve the highest energy efficiency rating possible.

"Meanwhile, we will invest in our existing homes to bring them up to at least EPC C rating.”

The plans were drawn up by Gloucester-based Quattro Design Architects.

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