Fly-tipping fines to increase to £1,000

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The council said everyone has a role to play in keeping the environment clean and safe

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The penalty charge for fly-tipping has been raised to £1,000 in part of Lincolnshire.

The existing charge for offenders is £400, but East Lindsey District Council said from Monday that would increase by £600.

The government raised the amount councils were able to fine people for to a maximum of £1,000 in July 2023.

East Lindsey District Council will also increase charges for other offences such as littering.

Household Waste Duty of Care means people are responsible for checking how their rubbish is disposed of even if you pay someone else to remove it.

To prevent other people fly-tipping waste, the council has advised householders to ask for evidence of how it will be disposed of and to insist on a receipt.

The new penalty charges include:

  • Fly-tipping £1,000

  • Littering offences (including dropping cigarette ends, spitting and urination) £250

  • Graffiti and fly-posting offences £300

  • Offences for household waste duty of care £60.

Councillor Martin Foster said: “This significant rise in penalties reflects our commitment to tackling these issues head-on and sending a clear message that such behaviour will not be tolerated in our community.”

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