Council to be within budget this financial year

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Although it was early in the financial year, projections would continue to be refined and brought to the cabinet, the council said

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Telford & Wrekin Council is estimating it will once again be within budget by the end of the financial year.

Although the authority it was currently over budget by £3.554m, officials said this would be brought back within planned limits by making use of contingency funds.

Projections would continue to be refined throughout the rest of the year, and while "extremely challenging", the council aimed to continue to "deliver quality services to the residents of the borough and protect critical front-line services."

A report showed the council ended the last financial year within budget.

“The council has an excellent track record of strong financial management and cabinet members and budget holders will continue their work to manage budgets as effectively as possible during 2024/25 to address in-year financial pressures,” the 2024-5 financial monitoring report stated.

It added: "Delivery of all council priorities depends on the effective use of available resources.

"Regular financial monitoring in the financial management reports helps to highlight variations from plan so that action can be taken to effectively manage the council’s budget.”

The 2023-4 report stated the authority stayed within its budget through maximisation of external income including grants, changes to its capital programme, early delivery of 2024-5 savings and a "robust review" of reserves releasing over £6m to support the bottom line.

Both reports are recommended for approval when cabinet members meet on Wednesday.

This news was gathered by the Local Democracy Reporting Service which covers councils and other public service organisations.