Sweden agrees £100m defence contract with Marshall

Swedish badge on uniform sleeveImage source, Marshall
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Sweden is embarking on a "rapid digital defence modernisation programme", says Marshall

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Sweden has agreed a defence contract worth more than £100m with a British engineering firm less than three months after joining Nato.

Marshall, which is based in Cambridge, has said it will design and produce "command and control" shelters, "modular workspaces" and "ancillary equipment".

The company said it had secured a contract to produce equipment for the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration - a Swedish government agency which operates under the Ministry of Defence umbrella.

Production would be "shared" across facilities in the UK and Canada, the company added.

Image source, Marshall
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Marshall says it will design and produce "command and control" shelters for Swedish servicemen and women

"Having formally joined Nato in March, Sweden is embarking on a rapid digital defence modernisation programme to support integration with alliance partners and enhance the overall readiness of its full-time and reserve forces," said Marshall in a statement.

"Marshall’s highly manoeuvrable and rapidly deployable systems will transform the operational resilience and survivability of the Swedish Armed Forces’ critical infrastructure in open, littoral and urban operations.

"Over the next four years, with the option to extend a further three thereafter, Marshall will deliver up to 500 shelters as well a range of ancillary equipment including power units, battery boxes and mast trailers."

Image source, Marshall
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Marshall's chief growth officer, Bob Baxter, said the contract played to the company's "engineering strengths"

Marshall's chief growth officer, Bob Baxter, said the contract played to the company's "engineering strengths".

He added: “We are proud to be part of Sweden’s next phase of investment in the readiness of its armed forces as it seeks to integrate into Nato, providing welcome stability in the challenging geopolitical climate."

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