Speed cameras set to be upgraded in Staffordshire

Police officers with a community speed watch groupImage source, Staffordshire Police
Image caption,

There were calls in the meeting for more police support for community speed watch groups

At a glance

  • Speed cameras in Staffordshire are going to be upgraded with new, digital technology

  • The county's safety partnership said it was working out which areas would benefit most this year

  • Community speed watch groups could also get more support from police officers, the partnership said at a meeting with councillors

  • Published

Speed cameras are going to be upgraded and community speed watch groups could get more police support, a safety partnership says.

Several fixed camera sites in Staffordshire are set to be upgraded later this year.

A report for the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership said the devices would use new, digital technology.

"We have been considering which areas can benefit the most," manager Melanie Langdown said.

"We’re hoping that we’re going to have some newer sites upgraded later this year."

Her comments came in a discussion about the partnership's work during a meeting of the county council's Prosperous Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

In the proceedings, there were also calls by councillor Philip Hudson for more support from the police for community speed watch groups.

"We do have problems [with speed] occasionally," he said. "They send us a police community support officer but they have no powers to deal with what’s happening."

Staffordshire Police had officers trained in using hand-held speed enforcement devices but they had limited resources and other priorities, Ms Langdown said.

"But they’re very keen to support and we’re looking at how we can do that best going forward," she added.