Concerns raised over 'untidy' town centre

Cheltenham High StreetImage source, Google
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Cheltenham High Street will be deep cleaned in July

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Concerns have been raised over how untidy and dirty Cheltenham town centre is compared to rival destinations including Worcester and Leamington Spa.

Town resident Barry Brown quizzed Cheltenham Borough Council leaders this week about what was being done about the mess.

“Cheltenham town centre looks untidy and unkempt,” he said. “The High Street from Poundland to John Lewis really needs a deep clean."

Civic chiefs say they will announce their plans to tidy up the High Street in July.

Mr Brown added: “I have recently visited Worcester and Leamington Spa and there is no comparison. Their streets are so much cleaner than ours.

“This is important when it comes to attracting visitors to the town. These are two rival destinations.”


Mr Brown also highlighted examples of “huge weeds” growing out of tree pits.

Councillor Izaac Tailford, who is the cabinet member for waste, recycling and public realm, said the council is "pleased" to welcome a lot of visitors to the festival town.

He said contractors were out every morning from around 05:30 BST with manual crews, litter picking, sweeping up and emptying bins.

They are also out with two small pavement sweepers, the jet washing crew and the mechanical road sweeper to ensure the town centre is clean “by the time most people get up in the morning”.

However, he said the council is reducing the amount of weed spray they use to help look after the town’s trees.

“This year we will be further reducing the amount of weed spray used across the borough by not spraying around tree bases in grass verges or on paved areas which will assist in allowing vegetation to grow around tree bases helping to maintain moisture levels,” MrTailford said.

“Whilst I am not sure I agree with your comments about the cleanliness of Cheltenham compared to Worcester and Leamington Spa, I am a firm believer that things can always be improved.

“In fact, your question is very timely and I am pleased to say that there are plans to carry out a deep clean of the pedestrianised areas of the town centre and more details will be made available early in July."

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