Annual event raises almost £200,000 for churches

Three men smile in selfie style photo with a church pictured behind them. The man closest the camera has short brown hair with a beard and a blue shirt. The man in the middle has dark curly short hair with a white T-shirt while he gives a thumbs up sign with both hands. The man on the right has raised him arms in triumph and has light short hair with a chequered shirt and white T-shirt underneath.Image source, Miles Curl/SHCT
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Walkers and cyclists as well as motorists helped raised almost £200,000 for Suffolk's churches

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An annual charity event that raises money for the repair and upkeep of churches in a county has raised nearly £200,000.

Suffolk Historic Churches Trust (SHCT) has announced it raised £193,794 during its Ride and Stride event and the Pedal and Drive car rally day on 14 September.

Participants of the events, which first took place in 1982, were sponsored to walk, cycle and drive vintage cars to churches around the county.

Simon Ronan, the SHCT's Ride and Stride chairman, thanked participants for their support.

Image source, SHCT
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Drivers, including Nick Robinson from the BBC's Today programme, took part in the car rally

"It was a lovely sunny day, with not too much wind, and, as always, a great turnout of walkers, bikers, and drivers, on a day to be enjoyed by all," he said.

"Over 800 churches throughout the county were open on the day.

"We thank everyone for their support in sponsoring, and to those manning the churches to welcome cyclists, walkers and vintage cars."

The Ride and Stride event raised £152,985 and half of the money will be donated to churches nominated by participants.

Image source, Martin Mailes/SHCT
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One of the vintage cars involved in the ride parked up in Denston for participants to enjoy

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