Homes damaged by youths throwing dog mess and stones

SilebyImage source, Google
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Police said the criminal damage followed warnings to families last year over stone throwing in the village

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A number of homes have been damaged in a Leicestershire village by youths throwing dog mess and stones, police have said.

Leicestershire Police said officers were called to Sileby in the early hours of Tuesday morning after four reports of criminal damage.

Youths were seen in the area but ran away when police arrived.

The force described the string of incidents as "distressing and completely unacceptable".

'Arrests will be made'

A police spokesperson said the incidents were reported at locations across the village between 01:00 BST and 03:00.

We are working with the parish council to identify offenders," the spokesperson said

"Last year we visited a number of addresses to speak to parents and children about stone throwing.

"We will no longer be doing this and arrests will be made."

The force has urged parents to be aware of where their children are in the early hours of the morning.

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