Buyer beware - new homes developer bans cats and kids

A child holding a kittenImage source, GETTY IMAGES
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Plans for the new homes have been approved - with conditions over cats and children

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Planning permission has been granted for new homes in Kent with two conditions - buyers must not have young children or cats.

The clause is in the plans for 25 properties aimed at the over-55s on View Road, near Cliffe Woods, in Medway.

A planning application approved by Medway Council stipulates buyers must not have children under 16 or feline pets.

The developer says the rules are intended to protect nearby nesting nightingales and attract older residents.

The designs by Esquire Developments Ltd are for 13 two-bed bungalows, eight three-bed chalet bungalows and four three-bed houses.

Six of the homes will be sold at a discount, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Councillors have questioned the enforceability of the policies given the obligation falls on the developer.

At the planning committee meeting, Conservative councillor Gary Hackwell said: "Older people tend to have pets as company.

"It’s going to be interesting how the proposal is to deal with that.”

Proximity to woods

Labour and Co-op councillor Dan McDonald questioned how a ban on children would work in practice.

“You could possibly have young people, either because older people have adopted or fostered, or end up with their grandchildren – there is nothing to stop bringing young children into the home," he told the meeting.

But planning officers said the condition around under-16s was not unusual for retirement homes and all potential buyers would be made aware of the clauses.

Developers believe it will dissuade regular house-buyers, given the properties are specifically designed for older people.

Cats have been banned from the development due to its close proximity to the Chattenden Woods and Lodge Hill site of special scientific interest where there are nesting nightingale birds.

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