Union Chain Bridge closes again for further works

The Union Chain BridgeImage source, Northumberland County Council
Image caption,

The bridge will be closed for more than a month

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A 203-year-old bridge which connects England and Scotland is closing for six weeks, starting on Monday.

The Union Chain Bridge will shut to all traffic, including pedestrians and cyclists, while extra finishing works are carried out on the structure.

Although the closure will be in place until 26 July, Northumberland County Council said contractors hoped the work would be completed before then.

It comes just over a year after the bridge reopened following a £10.5m restoration.

The complex overhaul of the bridge saw most of its parts removed and restored before being put back in place.

Now contractors will be carrying out finishing works which could not be completed last year, including work within the Scottish and English towers.

A number of the carriageway deck panels will also be replaced after an inspection found premature wear and a manufacturing issue with some of the panels, a council spokesman said.

A diversion will be in place and Paul Jones from Northumberland County Council apologised for the disruption.

He said: "The restoration of the Union Chain Bridge was a hugely challenging engineering scheme combining the latest techniques along with centuries old craftsmanship and materials.

“While it was important to get the main works completed and the bridge open, there were some non-critical elements which we need the contractor to complete, as well as some work to replace a number of the bridge deck panels under warranty."

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