New bus station windows dubbed 'a disaster'

Stained glass windows at a bus station
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The transport hub opened in 2018 but the windows have only now been installed

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New stained glass windows at a bus station with "welcome" messages for people preparing to leave Gloucester have been dubbed a "disaster".

The artworks, which cost the city council £101, 976, have been installed above bus bays six years after Gloucester Transport Hub opened on Station Road.

Concerns have been raised they are facing the wrong direction for people arriving in the city, and councillor Pam Tracey said the situation was a "disaster".

But Gloucester City Council leader Jeremy Hilton said he was pleased the windows were in place and added people arriving in Gloucester could see them if they turned around after entering the bus station.

The decorative windows depict Gloucester landmarks such as the cathedral, The Docks and Kingsholm, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

They feature aircraft such as the Gloster Meteor and Gladiator and events such as the siege of Gloucester during the English Civil War.

They also have welcoming messages in a number of languages.

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The final cost of the design, manufacture and installation of the windows was £101,976

Ms Tracey said: “Who’s going to look up at the window when they arrive?

“Why can’t people get things right? We paid for that. And somebody’s responsible for it."

Mr Hilton said the events and places featured in the window design "told the story of Gloucester" and added he was pleased the project was just 1% over budget.

"It’s clear you can’t see them as you get off a bus but you can once you’ve gone through the door and look back.

“That’s the only way you can actually see them," he said.

Mr Hilton added the lack of light shining in on the windows caused problems for the designers and the original plans had to be altered so "the staining wasn't too deep".

“Otherwise they wouldn’t have stood out. But I’m all in favour of public art and I’m sure it will be a bit of a talking point," he added.

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