'My husband built a railway in our back garden'

Elizabeth Shutt sits on the platform of the East Wressle and Brind Railway
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Homeowner Elizabeth Shutt has continued the work of her late husband

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A private garden with its own full-size railway is to open to the public for the first time.

The East Wressle and Brind Railway, in East Yorkshire, has a diesel engine, wagons, a station house and a platform.

Homeowner Colin Shutt worked on the passion project between 2004 and his death in 2016.

Now, his wife Elizabeth, who runs the line with a small group of volunteers, is planning an open day on July 14 to mark its 20th anniversary.

“It was built by my husband over the course of the last 20 years. It was his obsession," Mrs Shutt said.

The anniversary event was "an acknowledgement of all the hard work that was done by him and his friends", she added.

The open day at the property near Wressle is being staged as part of the National Garden Scheme.

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A group of volunteers dubbed the Railway Children maintain and develop the line

The railway has a 1930s theme, with original and replica period furniture and accessories. The station house includes a full-size waiting room with clock, lamps and a ticket machine, and a separate room for the station master.

“When I tell people I’ve got a railway in my garden they think it’s a model railway," Mrs Shutt said. "They’re amazed when they come here.

"They then ask, how big is your garden, and I say 22 acres.”

'Secret garden'

A group of retired friends and volunteers, dubbed the Railway Children, meet every week and maintain the buildings, track and rolling stock.

Volunteer Gerald Christian said: “We replaced the platform the year before last. It doesn’t last forever and the station needs painting most years. It’s nice to have it for ourselves, but it’s nice to have other people see it as well”.

Even people who live nearby do not realise there is a "secret garden railway", Mrs Shutt said.

“I want people to take away a memory of something that is quite unusual,” she added.

Tickers for the event are available from the National Garden Scheme website, external.

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