Pub landlords warned of licence renewal scam

Landlords have been contacted by fraudsters and asked for payments to renew their licences
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Pub landlords and off licence owners in part of Lancashire have been warned scammers are seeking to swindle them out of cash.
The warning has been issued by Hyndburn Council.
Its licensing department has been made aware of a scam that appears to be aimed at licensed premises, the authority said.
Alcohol licence holders have been contacted by fraudsters and advised that their licence has expired and requires renewal.
A fee has then been requested with the threat that the licence will expire if it is not paid.
The council’s officers are urging licensees to be cautious if they receive calls requiring immediate payment, although there have been no confirmed thefts in the area so far.
Councillor Melissa Fisher said: “Licensing officers do sometimes call to take late payments, however there would be no threats that the licence will expire.
“If in doubt put the phone down and call the council."
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