Food packaging factory workers secure pay rise

Amcor Packaging in WorkingtonImage source, Google
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Workers at Amcor Packaging in Workington have called off their industrial action

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Industrial action at a crisp and cereal packing factory has been cancelled after a union accepted a pay offer.

About 100 Unite workers from Amcor Packaging in Workington, Cumbria, voted to accept an improved pay rise and a one-off payment.

Initial strike action scheduled to begin on 29 May was called off to allow for the workers to be balloted.

Amcor, which manufactures flexible packaging for Walkers crisps and Kellogg's cereal, thanked workers for uninterrupted service during the discussions.

The workers voted to accept a a 7% pay increase backdated to October 2023 and a £500 one-off payment.

A 6% pay rise was previously offered, prompting the announcement of strikes.

In total, the deal is worth between 8-9% depending on pay grade, Unite said.

The union's general secretary Sharon Graham said: "Amcor’s workforce secured this deal by standing together in their union and refusing to back down."

Amcor confirmed a mutual agreement had been reached with the union.

"We would like to thank our Cumbria co-workers for remaining focused on safe working practices and providing uninterrupted service to our customers throughout the discussions," an company statement said.

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