Man who tried to lure girls for sex is jailed

 Alfred DempsterImage source, Cambridgeshire Constabulary
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Alfred Dempster believed he was speaking to a 14-year-old girl online, police said

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A man who believed he was speaking to a 14-year-old girl online, asked her for photographs and said he wanted sex, has been jailed.

Alfred Dempster, 57, from Nene Quay, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, was unaware he was speaking to a member of an online child activist group at the time, Peterborough Crown Court was told.

Cambridgeshire Police said he communicated with the decoy on Kik Messenger and on WhatsApp.

Dempster pleaded guilty to two counts of causing or inciting a girl under 16 to engage in sexual activity. He was sentenced to two years and six months for both charges, to run concurrently.

Dempster initially began talking to what he believed was an 11-year-old girl on Kik Messenger, before moving on to WhatsApp on 1 January 2020, Cambridgeshire Police said.

He requested an explicit photo, asked her to touch herself and call him Daddy - before ending the contact on 9 January.

In November that year he communicated with another decoy, this time pretending to be a 14-year-old girl, said Cambridgeshire Police.

Dempster was arrested on 11 January 2021 and his electronic devices were seized.

He also pleaded guilty to two counts of making indecent photos.

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