In pictures: Ascot floral headdresses out in force

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, A black woman wears an ornate pink floral headress , The second day of Royal Ascot has started, with many women wearing ornate headdresses to mark the occasion.
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Racegoers have pulled out all the stops with their elaborate headdresses for the second day of Royal Ascot

More than 250,000 racegoers are expected during the week at the Berkshire track.

Television presenters and stylists like Charlotte Hawkins, Louise Roe, Nana Acheampong and Zara Sassoon-Munns were in attendance.

Many women have arrived to the sunny racecourse wearing ornate pieces of millinery.

The Prince of Wales is expected to attend day two of the event, as well as Queen Camilla.

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