Residents in shock after suspected shooting

Hudson Street in Cheltenham on a sunny day
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Police were called to Hudson Street at 19:20 BST on Wednesday

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Residents have been left in shock after reports the occupants of a vehicle shot at houses and parked cars.

Gloucestershire Police were called to Hudson Street in the St Paul's area of Cheltenham shortly after 19:20 BST on Wednesday evening.

No injuries were reported and no arrests have been made. It is unclear what kind of weapon was used.

Resident, Nel Merrick, said: "People are just all over the place, to be honest. There's all sorts going on in their heads."

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No injuries have been reported following the suspected shooting

He added that there is "quite a bit of antisocial behaviour" in the area.

Neighbourhood police officers are patrolling the area for reassurance.

The force said it is keen to hear from anyone who lives in the area and may have CCTV, doorbell or dashcam footage, as enquiries to locate those involved continue.

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