Armed police called to reports of men with machete

A residential road, Grenadier Road, on a sunny summer evening. Google Maps screenshot shows junction leading to road next to a green space with paths, big rocks and an electricity pylon.Image source, Google
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There was a heavy police presence in the Springbank area of Cheltenham on Monday evening

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Armed police were called after reports that two men in a car were making threats to harm others while armed with a machete.

The firearms officers responded to the incident in Grenadier Road, in the Springbank area of Cheltenham, shortly after 18:30 BST on Monday.

It was then reported that the men had been involved in a collision with an electric pushbike. The riders of the bike were not believed to have sustained any serious injuries.

A 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of of affray and possession of an offensive weapon, while a 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of affray, Gloucestershire Police said.

The two men remain in police custody.

A spokesperson for the force said a weapon is yet to be found, with enquiries continuing. Anyone with mobile phone, doorbell or CCTV footage is asked to get in contact with the police.

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