Archers and sword fighters in hunt for new blood

Members of the Bourne Retinue of Archers practising swordplay
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The Bourne Retinue of Archers teaches swordplay as well as archery

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Young people are being urged to look to the past by learning the arts of swordplay and archery.

A medieval society in North Lincolnshire is on the hunt for more members.

The Bourne Retinue of Archers, based in Saxby All Saints, runs weekly training sessions.

"We need to pass this skill on to the younger generations," said Howard Boyd, who founded the group a year ago.

Newcomers can also learn about life in the 15th century.

“Archery is a love I can’t explain," Mr Boyd said.

"There’s no better feeling in the world than when you hit something."

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Howard Boyd hopes more young people will join the group

The group bases its routines on medieval manuscripts and caters to people as young as nine.

Matthew Evans, who joined the group to develop new skills and meet people, said it was a bit of an escape".

Molly Tomkiss, one of the newest members, urged more women to join.

“In medieval times, women had to go out and hunt if their men were out at war, so they had to learn the art of archery," she said.

"With a group of archers, it is a brotherhood and a sisterhood.”

Mr Boyd said previous experience was not necessary.

“By the time you’ve shot 10,000 arrows, you’ll be pretty good," he added.

“I’ve never known anyone not have fun.”

Further details can be found on Facebook, external.

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