Torquay sex club gets green light

The Within Temptation buildingImage source, Google
Image caption,

The Within Temptation club has 200 members

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A sex club in the centre of Torquay has been granted a licence by Torbay councillors.

Within Temptation on Temperance Street - which has 200 members nationwide - had been operating as an unlicensed venue since it opened in 2021.

Owners described it as a family-run business, run "for like-minded people".

Members of Torbay licensing committee agreed to allow the club permission to continue operating, with its licence reviewed annually.

Manager Lisa Harry told councillors she had received no complaints about the club since taking over as manager in March 2023.

“We’re just a friendly bunch and we’re trying to keep it like that,” she said.

There were no objections from the council’s community safety officers.

However, the Local Democracy Reporting Service, external said the owner of a language school in nearby Abbey Road was unhappy at having the sex club close to a teaching centre for young children.

He also said the rear of the club was overgrown and looked a "disaster".

It was pointed out that Within Temptation does not open until 8pm, three hours after the language school closed, and Mrs Harry said she would tidy the place up.