Royal Navy visit for veteran's 101st birthday

Gwen with Royal Navy recruits
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Gwen served as a Wren in the Second World War

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A Royal Navy veteran is marking her 101st birthday in style after a social media campaign led by staff at her care home.

Gwen, and her fellow residents at Mayflower House in Plymouth, will receive a three-tiered cake and flowers, staff at the residential home said.

She has also received more than 170 birthday cards and a visit from Royal Navy recruits.

The centenarian, who served as a Wren in World War Two, told the BBC on her birthday eve she was looking forward to "cake and a gin and tonic".

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Gwen served in the Royal Navy before later becoming a nurse

Residential home manager Vicki Hitchcock said Gwen had served from 1942 to 1954 in the Secret Service before leaving to become a nurse.

Ms Hitchcock said their plan to surprise their oldest resident with a card for every year of her life was hatched "late at night".

Of "lovely Gwen", Ms Hitchcock added: "She has limited visitors and many of her friends have passed away and are unable to celebrate such a milestone with her."

She said they put out word via e-mails, messages and social media that Gwen was turning 101.

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Gwen received more than 150 cards after a social media campaign

The response meant staff passed their target of 101 cards - one for every year of Gwen's life - with 157 received and ready to hand over to their oldest resident.

They also heard from local businesses, including ice cream vans, while Royal Navy recruits have requested to visit to thank Gwen for her service.

An entertainer and balloon artist are also due to attend as well as a three-tier cake in Gwen's favourite colours.

Ms Hitchcock added: "Gwen knows about the card mission - she was getting very suspicious because we were asking her random questions to get her favourite colours.

"She's not daft. We had to confess to a small part of it, but just the cards.

"Gwen is our oldest resident... this is a first for us to have someone who's 101."

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