Warnings after vapes sold to under-18s

Vapes on shop shelvesImage source, Reuters
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A number of retailers in Gloucestershire sold vapes to under-18s

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Trading standards have sent out a warning after a number of retailers were found to be selling vapes to underage buyers.

Police cadets in Gloucestershire were used in the test purchase tests in May across 21 stores across the county.

The under-18s were sold vapes containing nicotine in four of the retailers, with none of them asking for ages or checking identification.

It drops the county's success rate on these tests from 100% in 2023 to 76% this year.

Trading Standards said those who refused to sell the vapes to those underage volunteers had previously been given advice about sales to under-18s and asked for ID.

Failing retailers will be written to and reminded of their legal responsibilities around the sale of vapes.

They will also face another test later in the year and prosecuted if they fail again.

Jason Poole, acting head of trading standards at Gloucestershire County Council, said: "We recognise that the rise in vaping is a real worry for parents and guardians which is why we carry out these test purchase operations.

"We will provide additional guidance to shops to ensure they do not sell to anyone underage. Although only four retailers sold to someone under 18, one is too many.

"If they are found selling again in the follow-up operation they may find themselves subject to an investigation which could lead to prosecution."

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