Your Voice, Your Vote: Fix social care costs

Ellen Morgan
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Ellen Morgan said people are "falling between the gaps" between social care and NHS Continuing Care

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A woman from Cornwall who cares for her mother who has dementia has said people are "falling between the gaps" in accessing support.

Ellen Morgan, 50, also wants further investment to be put into carers services.

Ms Morgan was among the many people who got in touch with the BBC via Your Voice, Your Vote to identify social care as the most important issue for them in this election.

She said the sector faced a variety of challenges.

"There was a promise to look at the costs that people are paying out for their care [and] an increase in care staff which are hard to find," she said.

"People are falling between the gaps between social care and NHS Continuing Healthcare, which is very difficult to obtain, leaving many unaware and unable to access appropriate nursing care.

"As a carer, further investment needs to be put into carers services for all carers, raising the awareness... and making it more accessible to gain support for when they need it."

How are the parties planning to support social care?

The Conservatives promised to continue with social care reforms announced in 2021, including a lifetime cap on the cost of personal care from October 2025.

The Labour Party said they would launch a National Care Service to set minimum standards for social care, and reach a collective agreement on pay and conditions for carers.

The Liberal Democrats said they would provide free personal care for people at home, covering nursing, hygiene and medication support, and offer more support for millions of unpaid carers, including increasing Carer’s Allowance.

Reform UK said they would launch a royal commission to draw up a national plan on the future of the social care system.

The Green Party would provide free personal care for people at home, covering nursing, hygiene and medication support.

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This closed on 4th July 2024.