Veterans invited to Armed Forces Day celebrations

Servicemen and women march on Douglas Promenade Image source, PhotoMann
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Serving personnel, veterans and cadets will take part in a parade in Douglas

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An event marking Armed Forces Day on the Isle of Man is set to celebrate the efforts of servicemen and women, organisers have said.

Highlights of Sunday's events will be a parade along Douglas Promenade starting from 14:00 BST and entertainment at the Villa Marina on Sunday.

Another feature of the day will see a flypast of two RAF hawk aircraft at about 15:00.

Organiser Colin Kelsey said the event recognised the contribution those in the armed forces and their families had "given, currently give and will give in future".

A parade with veterans, cadets, uniformed organisations, and family members of those who have served, will set off from Regent Street to the Villa Marina, with a salute from the Lieutenant Governor at the War Memorial.

A free event in the Villa Marina Gardens features music from the Southern Belles and Castletown Metropolitan Silver Band, along with a funfair and food stalls.

Stands manned by the Royal Engineers and RAF, and military charities Heroes on the Water and the Royal British Legion will also be present.

'Family affair'

Mr Kelsey, chairman of the Isle of Man's Armed Forces Day Committee, said the event was "a way of showing pride and explaining to younger generations what the forces are all about".

It was not a day of "commemoration or remembrance" but a celebration of the "significant contribution" made by the British Army, Navy and Air Force.

The day also highlighted how the forces create communities and bring people together, as the day itself and the forces were "very much a family affair", he added.

In the event of wet weather, a static parade and afternoon tea will be held indoors at the venue.

The event runs between 13:00 and 17:00, with similar celebrations set to take place across the UK in the coming weeks.

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