Man who hit dog's head against wall spared prison

A man with a brown moustache wearing a white shirt and black jacket Image source, Eddie Mitchell
Image caption,

Luke Cobb pleaded guilty to animal cruelty at Brighton Magistrates Court

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A man who hit a dog’s head against a wall in East Sussex has been spared prison.

Luke Cobb, who owned a dog walking business, was captured on camera footage hitting the animal's head against a wall in Ashurst Road, Brighton, on 13 November.

Cobb, 38, of Avondale Road, in Eastbourne, had been paid to care for the dog, named Stan, when he carried out the attack.

He pleaded guilty at Brighton Magistrates Court to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Cobb was sentenced to 200 hours of unpaid work and 10 days of rehabilitation activities.

He must also pay a victim charge of £114 and £85 in court costs and was banned from owning, keeping or having control of any animal for one year.


PC Sam Cooper, from Sussex Police, said: "The video evidence in this case was deeply distressing, profoundly impacting those who saw the footage of his disturbing actions.

“Luke Cobb betrayed the trust placed in him to care for and protect Stan the dog.

"Animal abuse will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will be brought to justice."

RSPCA Inspector Tony Woodley said: "Looking after animals is a privilege and this was an upsetting breach of trust from Mr Cobb who was responsible for the welfare of dogs in his care.

“The magistrates found this to be a serious and deliberate matter.

“The sentence reflects that the behaviour towards animals seen in the video won’t be tolerated.”

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