Camp Bestival day three in pictures

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, A lit-up model of a caribou in the foreground among the crowd at Camp Bestival , The crowd took in many sights, including this caribou model
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Thousands of people flocked to Camp Bestival as Paloma Faith headlined the event's third day on Saturday.

Crowds at Weston Park in Shifnal, Shropshire, enjoyed a range of activities as well as music, which included performances from Jake Shears and The Darkness.

There were also appearances from celebrity fashion consultant Gok Wan, former children TV stars Dick and Dom, actor and DJ Craig Charles and radio DJ Sara Cox.

Telford-based indie group Manor Heights were one of the BBC Introducing acts that performed at the festival on Saturday.

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Telford-based group Manor Heights were one of the performers

Following their performance, the band's lead singer said: “That was amazing, it was really, really good.

“We’ve been working really hard this year and it’s great to get on a big stage like that. At a venue and a festival of this size and scope, it’s really cool to be asked.”

The festival is due to conclude on Sunday with a performance from dance music group Faithless.