College wants to run workshops at business park

E2 unit at the business park in Glocuestershire Image source, Google Street View
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Gloucestershire College plans to use an industrial unit for training

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A college is hoping to use an industrial unit for motor vehicle training workshops.

Gloucestershire College already owns the unit, which is based at 125 Business Park in Gloucester.

It has submitted a planning application to seek permission to change the use of unit E2 to a training/education space.

Under the proposals, it would use the site for vocational training activities and courses would take place with up to 20 students and three staff members.

The college states in its application to Gloucestershire City Council that most activity would be between 08:00 and 18:00 BST on weekdays.

Some occasional evening courses could run until 21:00, the application states.

If approved, the unit could be used for other courses in the future, including plumbing or construction, the college said.

No external changes to the building are proposed.

People have until 10 July to comment on the proposal and the city council is expected to consider it on 13 August.

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